chantier ave coffrage et matériel

Sewage treatment plant

SPIE Batignolles Bouygues Travaux Publics

Construction period
11 month

Paris – France

Altrad Coffrage & Etaiement took part in the extension of a French wastewater treatment plant on behalf in 2010.

JALFORM wall formwork was used on this major site thanks to a global approach that appealed to the most demanding decision-makers.

This was one of the largest formwork projects in France during 2010. The works were intended to enable the plant to triple its size by reaching a treatment capacity of 300,000 m³ of wastewater per day (equivalent to a population of 1.5 to 2 million inhabitants). Over a period of one year, around 4,000 m² of JALFORM was used for this project.

of treated water
on site
of working
